Sunday 21 August 2011

christ is krishna

there are lots of similarities between christ and krishna still we don't say that they were actually the same person.. but different avatars/messiah or whatever you wanna call, of God Vishnu or whatever
one thing is for sure that the religion or faith or whatever they preached was actually same..
anyways derive your own conclusions ----->

God Vishnu, who is the preserver and takes birth on earth from time to time as per vedic,

why fish? Matsya the Fish appeared in the Satya Yuga and represents beginning of life.
The first avatar of vishnu was a fish "Matsya"

1. Matsya, the fish-avatar. Story can be found in the Matsya Purana.
2. Kurma, the tortoise-avatar, who helped in the Samudra manthan – the churning of the ocean. Story can be found in the Kurma Purana.
3. Varaha, the boar-avatar, who rescued the earth from the ocean, by killing her kidnapper-demon Hiranyaksha. Story can be found in the Varaha Purana.
4. Narasimha, the half man-half lion avatar, who killed the tyrant demon-king Hiranyakashipu, to rescue the demon's son Prahlada, who was a Vishnu-devotee
5. Vamana, the dwarf-avatar, who subdued the king Maha Bali. Story can be found in the Vamana Purana.
6. Parashurama, sage with the axe who killed the thousand-armed king Kartavirya Arjuna
7. Rama, the king of Ayodhya and the hero of the Hindu epic Ramayana
8. Krishna, the king of Dwarka, a central character in the Bhagavata Purana and the Mahabharata and reciter of Bhagavad Gita. However, in the original Dasavatara stotra, Balarama, the elder brother of Krishna, is stated as the eight incarnation, while Krishna (Lord Kesava) is the source of all the incarnation.
9.Gautama Buddha

The Christian doctrine of the Trinity teaches the unity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as three persons/entities....
the Hindu trinity - brahma [creator], vishnu[preserver], shiv [destroyer]
Brahma who is said to create this domain in which everything exists....
vishnu always takes birth/manifests on earth from time to time [to preserve it] and can be considered as the son and rest is quiet obvious....
Shiva is the destroyer .... the one who destroys - every second that passes away/time everything .... without time this domain would cease to exist.... its the "holy spirit"
If you read vedic texts and other such works by sages,yogis etc.... you will come to know that every human has kundalini/shakti power in the base chakra and shiva at the top of the head.... which when united together by meditation/yoga etc gives the seeker enlightenment and many powers/siddhis etc and seeker comes to know that he/she is not the body but spirit/soul or whatever .... .... thats your holy spirit inside

even the pope hat is of fish shaped, the reason is clear from the above pic....

just as said in the beginning of life on earth the fish carried the vishnu and delivered his message to some guy and saved the world.. the so called elected pope acts like the carrier of vishnu or his message or whatever .. to this world!

Catholic church started christianity slowely as it happens everywhere people who didn't liked the order broke away and formed different christian sub church groups, Christianity is a copy of vedic dharma, they just changed the names and all.... people who follow just christ are just following Vishnu.....
truth always comes out....

Jesus christ telling people abt kundalini - from thomas gospel -->

Jesus said to His disciples,
"These infants being suckled are like those who enter the

They said to Him, "Shall we then, as children, enter the

Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you
make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside,
and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the
female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the
female female; and when you fashion eyes in the place of an eye,
and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and
a likeness in place of a likeness; then will you enter [the

When Kundalini Shakti passes beyond Ajna (Third Eye), duality (male - female) and ego cease to exist. The gross elements of the individual dissolve into the pure elements of consciousness. The person then starts creating his environment consciously ..what is inside is outside

Walter Raymond Drake (1913 - 1989) -
The Dead Sea Scrolls surprise us by not mentioning Christ or Christianity, the Essene teachings suggest that some of the Christian doctrine originated a century earlier. Nothing is gleamed of Christ from contemporary sources, surprising in an age of classic writers; almost all we know of Him is from Church written by imaginatives decades later. Perhaps Christianity is a Myth necessary to the evolution and inspiration of man during the lost Piscean age? Man’s questing soul soars beyond the dogmatic creeds of yesterday to the cosmic religion of tomorrow.
The oldest source of wisdom in the world must surely spring from India , whose initiates long ago probed the secrets of heaven, the story of Earth, the depths of Man’s soul, and propounded those sublime thoughts which illumined the Magi of Babylon, inspired the philosophers of Greece and worked their subtle influence on the religions of the West. "

What a strange world in which we live! The Catholic Church has always known that Christianity did not begin with Jesus Christ, but yet it tries to make us think it did.

St. Augustine of Hippo (354-430 AD) wrote: "This, in our day, is the Christian religion, not as having been unknown in former times, but as having recently received that name."

Eusebius of Caesarea (circa 283-371 AD) said: "The religion of Jesus Christ is neither new nor strange."

In Anacalypsis, The 17th century British orientalist and iconoclast, Godfrey Higgins, insisted that Christianity was already firmly in place in both the West and the East, many centuries before Jesus Christ was born. He said, The Crestians or Christians of the West probably descended directly from the Buddhists, rather than from the Brahmins. (Vol. 2, pp 438, 439.) [buddhism came from hindus as budhha was himself a hindu prince]

"Melito (a Christian bishop of Sardis) in the year 170, claims the patronage of the emperor, for the now so-called Christian religion, which he calls "our philosophy," on account of its high antiquity, has having been imported from countries lying beyond the limits of the Roman empire, in the region of his ancestor Augustus, who found the importation ominous of good fortune to his government." This is an absolute demonstration that Christianity did not originate in Judea, which was a Roman province, but really was an exotic oriental fable, imported from India, and that Paul was doing as he claimed, viz: preaching a God manifest in the flesh who had been "believed in the world" centuries before his time, and a doctrine which had already been preached "unto every creature under heaven." (Bible Myths and Their Parallels in Other Religions; T. W. Doane, p. 409.)

Religious historians have for hundreds of years struggled to find out how and why the stories about Jesus and Krishna, who were born 2,000 years apart, are so nearly identical.

The Christian doctrine of the Trinity teaches the unity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as three persons/entities....
the Hindu trinity - brahma [creator], vishnu[preserver], shiv [destroyer]
Brahma who is said to create this domain in which everything exists....
vishnu always takes birth/manifests on earth from time to time [to preserve it] and can be considered as the son and rest is quiet obvious....
Shiva is the destroyer .... the one who destroys - every second that passes away/time everything .... without time this domain would cease to exist.... its the "holy spirit"
(trinity came from the supreme....)

At the beginning of the book of John in the New Testament, it states, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” This is actually a verbatim translation of the Vedic Sanskrit mantra: “Prajapatirvai idamagraasit, tasya vag dvitiyaa asit, vag vai paramam Brahma.”

Bell, Book and Candle – the major symbols of Christmas are nothing but reminiscent of Hindu temple where bell is a must, book refers to holy book and candle is equivalent of Deepak or light of Yajna. Bell is derived from Sanskrit word "Bal" meaning strength. Bell is used in temples to provide strength to prayers.

The ancient Vedic custom of applying ash or sandalwood paste to the body is still retained by Christianity in the observance of Ash Wednesday. The so-called “All Soul’s Day” is an exact translation of the Vedic observance of Sarva Pitri Amavasya, the day fixed by tradition for the worship of all deceased ancestors.

Pope derives from "PaapaH" meaning remover of or absolver from Sin.
Vatican derives from "Vatika" which means a hermitage. In Vedic tradition, sages used to live in hermitages.(Ashrama-Vatica" or "Dharma-Vatica" or "Ananda-Vatica.)
Priest and Abbot derive from "Purohit" and "Bhat" respectively, both signifying Vedic priests.
Pontiff is a corruption of the Sanskrit term 'puntah'.
Saint obviously is offshoot of 'Sant'. Apostle is Sanskrit 'Aap-Sthal' signifying one who proceeds from place to place [for preaching]

1. World Vedic Heritage Vol 1,2 – PN Oak
2. Christianity is Krishna Neeti – PN Oak
(Publisher: Hindi Sahitya Sadan, N Delhi, India

The term “vestry” in referring to the room in churches in which holy clothes are kept comes from the Sanskrit word vestra, meaning clothes. Even the word “psalm” with a silent “P” comes from the Sanskrit word sam or sama which means holy and serious sacred songs, hymns or chants, as found in the Sama-veda.

Other Christian links with Sanskrit words can be found in the name Bethlehem, which is the English mispronunciation of the Sanskrit Vatsaldham, which means “the home (town) of the darling child.” The Sanskrit term Nandarath is linguistically connected with Nazareth. Nandarath means Nanda’s chariot, and King Nanda was the guardian at whose village he nurtured Lord Krishna (sometimes pronounced as Chrisn, and later Christ in some regions).


answer to this question is in Linga purana....

>>The sages said, “We know that a linga is Shiva’s image. But why is Shiva worshipped in the form of a linga?”

Lomaharshana recounted the following story.

Many years ago, at the end of a destruction, there was water everywhere in the universe and the universe was shrouded in darkness. Vishnu slept on the water in his form of Narayana.

Brahma discovered Vishnu sleeping thus and woke him up. Failing to recognize Vishnu, he asked, “Who are you and what are you doing here?”

Vishnu woke up and noticed Brahma standing there. He smiled and said, “How are you, Brahma? Is everything well with my son?’

“How dare you call me your son?’ demanded Brahma. “I am Brahma, the lord of everything. I am the creator of the universe. How dare anyone call me his son?”

“You seem to have forgotten everything,” said Vishnu. “I am Vishnu and you were born from me. That is the reason why I addressed you as my son.”

Brahma did not accept this and started to fight with Vishnu. While the two were thus grappling, a shining linga suddenly appeared. It was almost as if the linga had emerged to settle Brahma and Vishnu’s dispute. The linga rose way up into the sky and it seemed to have no beginning or end.

“What on earth is this pillar of fire doing here?” Vishnu asked Brahma. “Let us investigate it. Why don’t you go up and see where it ends? As for me, I shall proceed downwards. Let us meet after a while and compare notes.”

Brahma agreed to do this. He adopted the form of a swan and flew up. Vishnu adopted the form of a boar and went down. No matter how further down Vishnu went, he could find no end to the linga. Nor could Brahma discover its upper extremity.

They returned and were amazed to find that neither had been able to find the end of the linga. They realized that they must be in the presence of a power that was greater than their own. They therefore began to pray to the linga and the sound of the mantra (incantation) om echoed all around the linga. Shiva appeared from within the linga in the form of a sage named Vedanama. He told them that it was the linga which was the origin of the universe. It was from the linga that the primordial egg (anda), the origin of the universe, had been created.

Shiva also taught Brahma and Vishnu the sacred gayatri mantra. He told Brahma and Vishnu, “We are all three part of the same supreme brahman. Brahma is the creator, Vishnu is the preserver and I am the destroyer. Don’t fight amongst yourselves.”

Ever since that day, Shiva has been worshipped in the form of a linga..

Judaism and Shaivite Hinduism connection - Connection Between Ancient Indian And Hebrew Language, A scholars find compelling evidence

The Lost Gospels, presented by Anglican priest Pete Owen Jones, is a fascinating exploration into the huge number of ancient Christian texts that didn't make it into the New Testament. Shocking and challenging, these were works in that presented a Jesus who didn't die, who took revenge on his enemies and who kissed Mary Magdalene on the mouth. This Jesus is unrecognisable from that found in the traditional books of the New Testament.

A documentary starring Robert Beckford, tries to discover the lives of the "hiden" members of the family of Jesus. The film shows how the early church tried to eliminate the accounts of Jesus brothers and sisters. The movie makes efforts to discover the real message of Jesus rather than the message about Jesus.


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